"Netted Body", è il mio primo libro nato da un progetto fotografico iniziato nel 2012 che mi ha tenuto impegnato per vari anni.
"Alcuni anni fa, dopo una serata con gli amici per le stradine del centro di Roma, mentre la città dormiva in silenzio ho attraversato i vicoli scuri e la mia attenzione è stata attirata dalla luce dalle vetrine dei negozi... Vi ho guardato dentro e sono stato colpito dai manichini immobili in mostra."
A breve sarà disponibile per la distribuzione.
Qui di seguito potete scaricare l'anteprima.
"Netted Body", is my first book Born from a photographic project started in 2012 that has kept me busy for several years.
"One night after an evening with friends I decided to take a walk in the streets of central Rome. While the city slept silently I walked across the dark alleys where my attention was drawn to the light from shop windows. I looked inside and I was struck by the mannequins on display. I noticed that they were perfectly designed to mimic human form, placed in an environment created just for them."
Soon it will be available for distribution.
Below you can download the preview.
Many times ideas happen for a sum of cases .
So one day my painter friend Claudia Gandolfo and I decided to try to combine two arts that have been opposed for a long time, painting and photography. Influenced by my passion for Still life Photography and my studies in civil engineering, I tried and decided to recreate materials through a pictorial representation on the human body. Claudia interpreted and expanded the thought of this project, imagining on the body canvases a unique vision of tangible and intangible matter.
We wanted to fix each inert material on the living skin so that it could see the life that is in each one had a life of its own , a soul.
This is because we all believe that matter is not alive, but this is only because it has a different perception of time and its mutations are sometimes so slow that they are not perceived, for example the erosion of rocks or the slow process of oxidation of metals. The use of body canvases has allowed us to bring the soul of matter back to our conception of the passage of time.
It has chosen to use only women as I think women more linked to nature, or more subject to natural variations than the man who tends instead to oppose it. In addition, the softer features gave rise to more harmonious and less aggressive works.
So we were going to donate a soul to objects that we all consider inanimate. And from this thought we were inspired by the name morphogenesis, that is, the spontaneous birth of a unique form.
We wanted to explore the various natural groups of materials , but going to insert what we thought could become in the future or giving a more poetic vision to others.
The project develops in 30 + 1 photos in which a single work represents the transition between the living being and the material , while the others represent the individual materials, divided into 6 groups of 5 photos each.
The journey, contextualized in our historical period, is subject to the availability of time, since for our society it is an economic good.
delving into its meaning, we can say that time is perceived linearly, as a time always in motion that responds to the need for the optimization of both commitments and economic life.
this vision leads to a loss of the quality of the time spent compared to the past, leading to a sterility of experiences because to follow its rhythm we must move fast.
This way of living time leads to a restlessness of life, in contrast to the sense of travel, which requires quality time to allow us to overcome the time and enjoy an experience that enriches the
the idea of this project is to tell through images the places and cities’ giving a time limit of the visit, but trying to transform this time in quality’ without getting carried away either by
tourist channels or by predetermined guides, which surely would lead to a less coivolent experience.
in Europe for many years, thanks to the free movement between countries, the journey becomes faster. it is preferred during the year to use free weekends to visit European capitals. based on the
weekend, 48 hours, I chose the length of city visits.
48h are few to visit and live personal experiences that allow us to transform our perception of time from linear to qualitative, also because’ normally we are mediatically very influenced in our
travel choices.
to improve our experience we should let ourselves be guided by the place we visit and prepare ourselves for the soul of the place, to live it.
The journey, contextualized in our historical period, is subject to the availability of time, since for our society it is an economic good.
delving into its meaning, we can say that time is perceived linearly, as a time always in motion that responds to the need for the optimization of both commitments and economic life.
this vision leads to a loss of the quality of the time spent compared to the past, leading to a sterility of experiences because to follow its rhythm we must move fast.
This way of living time leads to a restlessness of life, in contrast to the sense of travel, which requires quality time to allow us to overcome the time and enjoy an experience that enriches the
the idea of this project is to tell through images the places and cities’ giving a time limit of the visit, but trying to transform this time in quality’ without getting carried away either by
tourist channels or by predetermined guides, which surely would lead to a less coivolent experience.
in Europe for many years, thanks to the free movement between countries, the journey becomes faster. it is preferred during the year to use free weekends to visit European capitals. based on the
weekend, 48 hours, I chose the length of city visits.
48h are few to visit and live personal experiences that allow us to transform our perception of time from linear to qualitative, also because’ normally we are mediatically very influenced in our
travel choices.
to improve our experience we should let ourselves be guided by the place we visit and prepare ourselves for the soul of the place, to live it.
The journey, contextualized in our historical period, is subject to the availability of time, since for our society it is an economic good.
delving into its meaning, we can say that time is perceived linearly, as a time always in motion that responds to the need for the optimization of both commitments and economic life.
this vision leads to a loss of the quality of the time spent compared to the past, leading to a sterility of experiences because to follow its rhythm we must move fast.
This way of living time leads to a restlessness of life, in contrast to the sense of travel, which requires quality time to allow us to overcome the time and enjoy an experience that enriches the
the idea of this project is to tell through images the places and cities’ giving a time limit of the visit, but trying to transform this time in quality’ without getting carried away either by
tourist channels or by predetermined guides, which surely would lead to a less coivolent experience.
in Europe for many years, thanks to the free movement between countries, the journey becomes faster. it is preferred during the year to use free weekends to visit European capitals. based on the
weekend, 48 hours, I chose the length of city visits.
48h are few to visit and live personal experiences that allow us to transform our perception of time from linear to qualitative, also because’ normally we are mediatically very influenced in our
travel choices.
to improve our experience we should let ourselves be guided by the place we visit and prepare ourselves for the soul of the place, to live it.